Front Cover

Born Erect

Reference: DVDCAB141


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Starring Cristine Roberst
Starring Eric Braun
Starring Lawdra Peterson
Starring Monika Metzger
Starring Peter Straus
Starring Vicki West
Run Time 79 minutes

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Much to the shock of his parents and clergy, little Leo gets an erection during his christening. The event repeats itself all through his childhood until finally, at the age of twenty-eight he has a perpetual hard-on. Leo goes to a specialist who tries to cure his problem by giving him pills to induce wild sexual dreams. In a series of vignettes, Leo goes to bed with various women, all with the same results, it won't go down. One girl he picks up in an amusement park and takes home. Another wants him to watch while she makes it with her grandfather. Leo's problem is not altogether bad, though it does come in handy while painting when he needs something to hang his paint bucket on. Next we find Leo at an orgy doing just that. But, naturally, this doesn't help his problem. But even Leo's cousin with the machine shop can help him even though he tries with a grinder, file, saw and lathe. So Leo takes advantage of the situation with a pretty blonde shop assistant. While everything else had failed, Leo finally agrees to make some money with his problem by signing a contract to do a commercial for hard-on vitamins. But during the shooting of the commercial, Leo takes a handful of the vitamins and guess what happens...