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Cum Eating Cuckolds 15

Reference: DVDSLEE9150


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Starring Gioia Bell
Starring Katie Angel
Starring Riley Evans
Run Time 83 minutes

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Caution: This Could Happen To You! Husbands have been eating it ever since Adam was hung out to dry in the Garden of Eden by his loving, adoring wife. The Good Book refers to this as the 'Forbidden Fruit.' We think those bible guys were being very coy by letting you believe it was all about apples. Who were they kidding? Guys were lining up other guys for an evening out even back then. It makes you shudder to think so, but that's the way it was. Even pop music played the same game along those lines. Jeremiah was not a bullfrog. He was a cuckold. Husbands Cheated On Eat Black Cum!

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